Episode 20 - Double Drunk Tuesday
Beers on the show: Clipper City Brewing's Heavy Seas Series Hop3 IPA, Avery International IPA, Berghoff Hefeweizen, Hogdawg Brewery IPA.
- CHUD doesnt like bananas in his beer. The "Jungle Book" of beers.
- Craft Beer Radio clip. Jeff and Greg are "metal"?
- The worst song ever recorded?
- Starchy and Hutch - A difference of opinion.
- George Foreman of Beers?
- Yeast in beer.
- CHUD thinks we have the best message board.
- Rummy, where are you?
- Cork projectiles... And dropping bottles.
Beers on the show purchased at Super Liquors in Peoria, UFS in Peoria, and gifted by Hogdawg. Thanks!
Getting drunk on a week night takes a big set of balls, but you guys did it anyway. Excellent.
Glad to hear you enjoyed Hog Dawg IPA. I love his beer more than my own.
Brilliant Show! I would have love to seen a close up of the cork impression on CHUD's noggin...
Funny shit.
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