
Episode 20 - Double Drunk Tuesday

A beer review show? What are we doing here? In a moment of weakness, Groucho and CHUD discuss beer for a few minutes at the beginning of the show. Don't worry, things spiral out of control shortly afterward. Oh yeah, its a weeknight... And we get drunk!

Beers on the show: Clipper City Brewing's Heavy Seas Series Hop3 IPA, Avery International IPA, Berghoff Hefeweizen, Hogdawg Brewery IPA.

  1. CHUD doesnt like bananas in his beer. The "Jungle Book" of beers.
  2. Craft Beer Radio clip. Jeff and Greg are "metal"?
  3. The worst song ever recorded?
  4. Starchy and Hutch - A difference of opinion.
  5. George Foreman of Beers?
  6. Yeast in beer.
  7. CHUD thinks we have the best message board.
  8. Rummy, where are you?
  9. Cork projectiles... And dropping bottles.

Beers on the show purchased at Super Liquors in Peoria, UFS in Peoria, and gifted by Hogdawg. Thanks!

Click here to download


Blogger Clarke said...

Getting drunk on a week night takes a big set of balls, but you guys did it anyway. Excellent.

Glad to hear you enjoyed Hog Dawg IPA. I love his beer more than my own.

3:13 PM  
Blogger gonsorellie said...

Brilliant Show! I would have love to seen a close up of the cork impression on CHUD's noggin...

Funny shit.

10:40 PM  

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