
Episode 23 - From the Warzone: Dear Groucho & CHUD...

This show is based primarily on a pile of emails that we have gathered over the past few months. Email from Dragonpage fans, Farpoint Media geeks, and even Summer Brooks are read and commented on.

Who are the players on the show? Groucho, CHUD, Margaret................. And welcome "AB", or as some of our forum members may know her.... Angry Bar Code. She starts off timid, but blossoms later in the show.

Now we know how Dude Night feels... Try and monitor 3 or 4 people on a mixer... Drink lots of beer... And ensure recording quality. Hard to do! Sorry for any failures in "Lawn Mower" readiness.

Beers on the show: Leinenkugel Octoberfest, Schlafly Octoberfest, Sam Adam's Octoberfest and New Holland Brewery's Dragons Milk (Not a gamer beer!)

  1. A smattering of emails that are pro and con TBR.
  2. E-Harmony.
  3. Vampire the Masquerade.
  4. A Drunk CHUD, here are the signs.
  5. The "Bob Ross" of beer shows.
  6. High gravity.
  7. A Rum beer?
  8. Far Porn Media.
  9. Groucho and CHUD wrestle for an ending the sticks.

Click here to download the file

Leinie and Schlafly brand beers purchased at Broadway Liquors in Pekin IL. The Sam Adams was purchased at some unknown mini mall liquor store in Aurora IL. Dragons Milk purchased at Friar Tuck in Bloomington IL.


Episode 22 - The Stolen Stone Show

Sorry for the delay, we have been all over the country since our last show! From coast to coast in the span of 30 days... The TBR has been on a Stone Brewery whirlwind tour, and then out to PA for some felony breaking and entering!

  1. Grand Theft Stone in Pennsylvania... Sorry to the Should I drink That? boys.
  2. The Psychostick song: "Beer".
  3. Getting home from Cali after doing the Stone 10th Anniversary Beer-fest with Dude Night.
  4. The Real Happy Hour Beer Show
  5. Groucho ain't get'n drunk tonight!
  6. Mugs that later turn into chalices!
  7. www.Blubrry.com, Sellouts?
  8. A message from Mama Goot at Two Chicks and a Cooler, Part of the ECCC family.
  9. Apologies to Charlie at Speaking of Beer (at 21:10 for all you Dragonpage people!) and Canada.
  10. Airplane tragedies and the twisted logic.
  11. The Podcast directory Rant. iTunes, Podcastalley.
  12. Kissing Stones Ass!
  13. Margaret joins the fray... Mysterious echo ensues for several minutes.
  14. Shipwrecked Stag Beer.
  15. Broke-back drinking! Groucho loses pace once again!
  16. 8 Ball Wednesdays... And other suggestions.
  17. Margaret loves the HHM!

Beers on the show: Stone Brewery Arrogant Bastard, Vertical Epic 06.06.06, 10th Anniversary Ale, Smoked Porter.

Links for Psychostick!

This show was recorded on a new mixer... We are still learning how to use it, so sound quality is questionable. Please save your comments! Yeah, we are not at Far Point Media standard, but that is another story!

OK, some of the beers where not stolen... In fact, Hogdawg was our supplier of all the Stone products but the Vertical Epic. That was supplied by Sickpuppy. THANKS GUYS!!!

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