
Episode 18 - Peer Pressure from the Uni-Brows

We are sooooo weak. What podcast would succumb to the pressure of other shows to give a beer a 2nd chance? Ours! After hearing reviews of this beer come back to the contrary of our previous tasting, we give the Maudite a shot at redemption. (Something those "loggers" in the canoe never got!)

Beers on the show: Unibroue Maudite, Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat Ale and Three Floyd's Alpha King Pale Ale.
  1. The Homeless could not be with us... Sorry Marky Mark!
  2. Big Foamy Head gets praise for inspiring us to retry the Maudite.
  3. Hard names to write in the snow.
  4. CBR listener Jean Luc, lets us use his pronunciation key for the Unibroue.
  5. CHUD brings a clip from Craft Beer Radio that he enjoyed.
  6. Jeffrey T from The Good Beer Show submits a promo.
  7. All other shows have theme music.
  8. Party with Joe. The whole range of emotions!

Yes, we know Canada is not a socialist state... It just wants to be!

Beers on the show purchased at Friar Tuck in Peoria IL.

Click here to download Episode 18